Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Located in Grayling, MI
Located in Grayling, MI
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Safe Snoring and Apnea Appliances

Help Restore Adequate Rest With an Oral Appliance

If mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is keeping you or a loved one awake, talk to the staff at AuSable Family Dental, P.C. about oral appliance therapy (OAT).

A small device that fits in your mouth like a sports mouth guard or orthodontic retainer can help prevent the collapse of your tongue and soft tissues in the back of your throat, thereby keeping your airway open and promoting adequate air intake while you sleep.

Our oral appliance may be used alone or with other treatments for snoring and sleep-related breathing disorders, including CPAP, surgery, or weight management.
Man sleeping well

OAT Offers Apnea Sufferers Several Advantages

Most of our patients find our oral appliances comfortable and easy to wear.
  • Only a couple of weeks are needed to become used to using the device.
  • Because the appliances are small and easy to carry, they can be used when traveling.
  • The treatment is non-invasive and reversible.
Woman can't sleep due to loud snoring

Find the Approach That Works Best for Your Mouth

Talk to our dentists about the types of oral appliances available. Generally, they fall into two categories that are designated by the mode of action or design variation.

Tongue retaining appliances hold your tongue in a forward position. Mandibular repositioning appliances hold your lower jaw in a protruded position during sleep, indirectly pulling the tongue forward and keeping the airway open at the same time it prevents the mouth from gaping.

Sleep study by a sleep specialist is required in advance before consultation and the device is for adults only. Make an appointment by calling us at 989-344-2525 or by visiting our office at 800 E Michigan Ave. Be sure to ask if a same-day appointment is available.
Appointments Available.
Please contact us today to Schedule

Call 989-344-2525
AuSable Family Dental, P.C.
800 E Michigan Avenue
Grayling, MI 49738
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